
Non-dairy coffee creamer

I’ll tell you frankly: I do not think that this is one of the greatest inventions in the history of man.

Non-dairy cream?? Doesn’t compute! Not for me, anyway.

It’s actually up there with other things I don’t understand: Caffeine-free coffee, alcohol-free beer, sugar AND caffeine free Coca-Cola.



Anonymous Teuchter said...

Vile stuff, that non-dairy creamer.
Can't say I like UHT milk either.

I'd rather do without the coffee

16/03/08 11:15  
Blogger Ole said...

Well, see - that's what I couldn't ;)

18/03/08 17:32  
OpenID azahar said...

I'd rather drink it black, which I do sometimes when I run out of fresh milk at home.

07/04/08 13:58  

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