
Teotihuacan pictures

Sorry about the lousy quality. Who left his camera back in the hotel?

Teotihuacan01 Pyramid of the Sun

Pyramid of the Sun from a little bit of distance

Teotihuacan02 - just before the ascent

Getting closer, time to think of those steps

Teotihuacan03 - it's steep going up towards the sun!

It's steep going up towards the sun! I was thinking “am I that out of shape” and then realised I’d gone from sea level in Denmark to 2270 m. That made the 247 steps (I didn’t count for once) a puffing experience.

Teotihuacan04 - Pyramid of the Moon

Pyramid of the Moon as seen from (the top of the Pyramid of ) the Sun.



OpenID azahar said...

Wow, so you took those photos with just your eyes???

14/02/08 19:10  

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