

Sometimes I just do the things I do
They need to be done, that’s the way it is with things
Sometimes I feel like doing them
And then sometimes I find myself not doing them anyway

Sometimes I need to talk to a tree
Lean quietly against it and have a quiet exchange
Sometimes I don’t even think it’s strange
Though it helps when it’s dark

Sometimes music is the only thing that can put my mood right
Back where it belongs
Sometimes I know where that is

Sometimes I know who I am
Sometimes I know who I want me to be
Most of the times I probably am me
Or at least someone closely related to that

Sometimes I think about those who said that you need to know
where to go
how to go there

Sometimes I think that it must be nice to know
these things

Sometimes I think that sometimes is not enough
Sometimes I dream of being able to say
Just once in a while



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